According to government, the national implementation of the AARTO Amendment Act will commence in…[ycd_countdown id=”678″][/ycd_countdown]
Regrettably, those who are not thoroughly up to speed with how the AARTO scheme works, and more importantly, what to do should one find oneself on the wrong side of it, will be at distinct disadvantage.
Thankfully, you do not have to be among those who are disadvantaged by AARTO’s administrative scheme!
Soon we will be launching a series of affordably priced how-to guides, online webinars and online in-depth training programmes. Whether you are an ordinary motorist, a professional driver or a business owner, our offerings will help you easily navigate the administrative minefield which is created by the AARTO Act.
Should you feel that you will be interested in any of these programmes, please indicate your interest by using the form below:
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